Wheeler Trucking Awarded 2015 Project of the Year

February 12, 2016

(l. to r.) Brian Drexler, Vice President of Operations, Doug Kelley, Chief Financial Officer, Ben Frederick, Owosso Mayor, John Horvath, County Commissioner and SEDP board member, Rex Wheeler, President & CEO, Gary Holzhausen, County Commissioner representing Hazelton Township, Ben Glardon, State Representative, Margeaux Stephens, Consumers Energy Business Account Manager, Chris Thelen, Consumers Energy Area Manager and SEDP board member, and Justin Horvath, SEDP President & CEO.

Wheeler Trucking, a truck hauler located in Hazelton Township (New Lothrop) is the recipient of the 2015 Project of the Year award, sponsored by Consumers Energy. The company, which currently has 136 employees, has plans to grow to 350 people, and is working on building a new 30,000 square foot corporate headquarters in the township to accommodate their expansion. “We are excited to be investing and growing quality jobs right here in Hazelton Township (New Lothrop) and Shiawassee County, with this headquarters providing a home for our hard-working employees and it will also help keep our trucks running in top condition,” said company owner Rex Wheeler. The business worked closely with State Senator Rick Jones and State Representative Ben Glardon on passing key truck length legislation which allowed the facility project to move forward. “Wheeler Trucking is one of our fastest growing, most successful companies in Shiawassee County, and Rex and his team are great people to work with,” said Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership President/CEO Justin Horvath.  “We are also very appreciative of Senator Jones, Representative Glardon and everyone involved in getting statewide support for modifying a law that helps encourage the growth of not only Wheeler, but also other truck haulers in Michigan,” Horvath added.